Wednesday 29 June 2016

Web development with open source technology

open source
Web development and open source technologies

Web development term is associated with w3 (World Wide Web) hosted websites, Internet based application or Software as  a Service (SaaS),  E-commerce services,  social networks,  electronic businesses etc.

Web development started during 1991 to create a global hypertext project which is later became world wide web. 

web development
Web-sites Internet and users from all over the world

Since 1991 to now Web development is growing day by day.
Because now it’s become easiest and fastest way to share information, buy some product online with E-commerce, can transfer fund globally, with social network now different country people can interact with each other,  celebrities and politician can reach to common people worldwide with social network platforms and much more things are possible to do.

Now days every business or even individual person wants to create his own website to get global identity.

To create a website or web application since 1991 to now various technologies introduced to make web development fast and easy for web developers.

Some of the technologies are open-source (free) and other is commercial licence based.

Commercial technology:  having its own terms and policy to use it and sometimes need to buy very expensive licence, these licence are based on monthly subscriptions, annual subscriptions or pay one big amount to use it for life time.

Open source:  This license provides the rights to use service free and we can even modify or distribute its copy to anyone for any purpose.

So now it’s clear why we should use open source technology and services.

Web Development Needs following technologies
  • Client side script and technologies
  • Server side script and technologies
  • Database technology
  • other services SSL/API

open source
Web Client-Server Model

Open source Client side scripts and technologies:

Web documents are embedded with HTML tags initially web development started with Normal HTML tags.

with increasing demand of websites to make user interface fast and attractive added concept of client side scripting.

Client side scripts running on web browsers on users machine, these scripts are used to make user interface of websites once website loaded on users browser then user can perform many operations without interacting with server user can also perform action on different events like click on button etc.

JavaScript:  JavaScript is client side script which is used to perform operation on HTML tags and running on users web browsers.

With the help of JavaScript instructions web browser can create dynamic HTML tags on run time browser can execute some instruction on predefined time intervals to make users experience better with website interface. 

Ajax: JavaScript can perform advance operation to make web experience faster by changing content of only specific portion of website without reloading or refreshing complete web page these operations need to interact with server to perform some task on server once task finished on server then return result to web browser asynchronously.

Because JavaScript interacting with web server asynchronously so this is called asynchronous JavaScript.

jQuery: JQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library. this library is mainly developed to make JavaScript work easier by writing less code to perform more operations.

JQuery is now most popular library to perform Complex JavaScript operations like AJAX, Animations, Effects, Drag & drop HTML elements etc.

Bootstrap: Bootstrap is a CSS framework to make website Layout beautiful and responsive.

CSS is stands for Cascade Style Sheet which is mainly used to design websites layout, look & feel, add colors make different shape and size for html elements etc.

CSS works is called website designing, Bootstrap framework is very useful for web-designers to make designing easy and fast, bootstrap have predefined classes to make website responsive to view web-pages in different devices.

Bootstrap UI element classes are very useful to add style in html elements and make them beautiful.

Open source server side script and technologies:

Server side scripts are used to perform operations from web servers and then sending outputs to users browser.

Server side script is used to make operations secure for each user visiting website.

users have no access to view server side scripts what instructions are running on server.

Server side scripts uses various strategies to make web is safe place for users information which is store in remote location users don't even know location of web servers where that information is going store so it's very important to make all information secure from unauthorized access.

Session/Cookies: These technologies is mainly used to make authentication for websites to allow specific user to login into  website or web application account to access information associated with them. 

Sessions are stored on sever while Cookies are stored on users browser.

Post/Get: These are methods which is used to submit some information from users browser web form to server.

Post is more secure then Get.

Almost all server side script uses same protocols for authentication & data processing.

List of popular Open Source server side scripts

  1.  PHP
  2. Java
  3. Perl
  4. Ruby
  5. Go
  6. Python

Open source Database technologies: Database purpose is to store various information on web server.

Mostly dynamic websites or web applications are used database to store it's users information into tabular format.

These database uses different type of architecture.

Relational database model is most popular architecture which is also called R-DBMS.

R-DBMSto frequently store or get information related to a user account from various database tables.

these database are very well organized and shared information from multiple database table by relating them using foreign keys and primary keys.

List of Popular Database

  1. MySql
  2. PostgreSql
  3. Firebird
  4. GNU SqlServer

Other services  SSL/API : SSL is stands for Secure Socket Layer and API is stands for Application Programming Interfaces.

Recommended Technologies for Beginners :

open source
Recommended Technologies For Beginners

Client side:  HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/Javascript/JQuery.

Sever side: PHP

Database:   MySql/PostgreSQL


Thanks for reading if you have any question add in comments section.

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